
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

One little two little three little sheepies...

I can't sleep. It's 5:46am. I can't freaking sleep. This makes two nights in a row.

I battle insomnia probably once or twice every month and each time it lasts about three to four days - worst case ever for me was about two and a half weeks. Nothing natural that I know of works. I did try a sleep-aid and that helped me... but I don't want to be dependent on some drug to give me rest.

My tea is ready to be drank (drunk?) and that is what I'm going to do now. I hope you are all sleeping soundly in your comfy beds. I wish I were too. :(


At 12:04 PM, Blogger marybid said...

Hee hee...I'd already been awake for 46 minutes, but I feel your pain.

Get some good zzzz's soon. Don't you have something really boring to read?

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I finally got some sleep... but I didn't get to sleep until 7am this morning... and I woke up around 10:30am...

Ugh. I hope to sleep a little more tonight. Keep your fingers crossed.


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