
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My new favorite thing:

Remington Wet 2 Straight.

I have very thick, coarse, naturally curly hair, not curlicue curls, but rather really heavy waves and frizz. I have, for years, been blow drying and flat-ironing my hair, and the results are always the same -- HUGE hair that has a milder wave to it. See Exhibit 1:

This process does straighten my hair somewhat - but it leaves it looking messy and huge! That is why any time you have seen me - I've probaby had my hair pulled back.

Recently I discovered the beauty of perfectly straight, smooth hair at my beautician. She painstakingly straightened the smallest pieces of hair, leaving it looking smooth and beautiful. But I could never recreate it at home... until now.

I stumbled upon Remington Wet 2 Straight at Meijer and thought it sounded like a great idea because it usually takes me so long to blowdry my thick hair and then straighten it all. It was fairly cheap (about $26), so I bought it. And I was not disappointed. See exhibit 2:

And now that I know my hair's potential -- I'm thinking about getting the long sweepy bangs. It's so nice to think that I have options now, when I really didn't before (short of going to the hairdresser every day).

This is really quite impressive to me, because if you have ever put your hands in my hair, you would understand just how thick and hard to maintain it is.

It used to take me an hour to dry my hair and another 45 minutes to straighten it. Now, it only takes me about 45 minutes to straighten my hair and it looks better than when I spent more time on it.

The only pitfall is that the steam that comes off the wet hair can sometimes burn your fingers a little bit... but not badly.

Seriously... Go buy this product.


At 6:32 PM, Blogger marybid said...

Okay, I must have this thing. My hair is thick, bumpy (not wavy), and stubborn. I've considered learning to turn my head 360 degrees so I can flat iron the back of it. *sigh*

Thanks for the recommendation!


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