More proof that I have OCD...
Thanks Kelly for the tag...
The tag was to write 6 bad habits... but I'm going to write 6 neuroses, which I also consider bad habits...
1. I have to have the television volume at a multiple of 5. It is usually at 15 or 20... I go nuts if it is on another setting and I know it.
2. I cannot CANNOT touch a garbage can in public... I will use my tray or my cup or whatever I have to in order to not touch the trash can lid.
3. If I walk past a garbage can/dumpster or garbage truck or even just a regular truck with lots of exhaust, I have to hold my breath... and I have to hold it to the count of five once I walk past it or I will inhale germs and get sick.
4. I wash my hands with HOT water. I like the water to scald a little bit, or I don't feel like I've killed the germs on my hands. And I wash my hands A LOT!
5. When I use toilet-paper... for any purpose (ie. blowing my nose...) :) There must be 9 layers of paper, because germs can travel through 8 layers.
6. I rock back and forth... constantly. I can't stop. I sometimes don't even realize I am doing it. I rock when I watch TV. I rock when I type on the computer. I rock when I write poems. I rock when I stand in line (from foot to foot). And if I'm not rocking... some other part of me needs to be in motion. I even sway my feet or my body from side to side when I sleep. If I'm not moving... I don't feel comfortable and get nervous and can't concentrate.
And there are so many more things I could put up here...
So... now that you all now how OCD I am... I tag everyone who reads this. Feel free to post your six bad habits/neuroses at your leisure! :)
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